Saturday, July 09, 2005


If you don't know by now, some of our church members have been on a 4 month fast, for blessings on our new church.
I have personally chosen to fast from Ice Cream all summer.
I have been tempted more times (or at least it seems that way) the last few months, than at any time before. But I feel that It's not enough, Too easy so to say.
So along with fasting the cream I so love, I am going to fast blogging until the 18th of September also.
This is really going to take me out of the "loop", but with as much time as I spend trying to
follow what's going on everyday I will definitely have plenty of time to pray, read my bible, and meditate more!!
So Until September 19th,
Love Ya.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Is God Real?

One of the toughest Questions that you will ever be asked if you are a Christian.
And it's the one question that people can DEBATE all day about and still won't get anywhere!
Most people who are trying to prove you wrong will say"I don't see God, how can you tell me he's real"?
"If there is a God why do bad things happen to people"?
I was brought up in a church environment so there was always conversation about God, the Bible...etc.
But I'm wondering about those who are not brought up in Christian Families?
God is probably never talked about, no bible to pick up and read, no glory to God for the good things that happen in your life, No shame for the bad things that happen.
When we were in school we learned from books, math , reading, HISTORY!.
And yet we have a book, written by real people, telling of great creations, floods, real places,
even referencing real people of the times, that we learned about in HISTORY, but people cant understand or see that this is the ultimate HISTORY book!!
It tells from beginning to end, not fiction FACT, yet people don't believe.
I don't believe in dinosaurs, What we have fossil evidence, ohhh you mean like bones and rocks and stuff you can see!!
Don't we somewhere on this wonderful created rock, have some kind of proof of God.
Nah just a bunch of old scrolls that someone found, some old relics here and there,
maybe a bible or two.
I know we live on Faith, But aren't there times when you can just feel the presence of the Holy Spirit around?
The peace, calm, joy, love for one another?
If someone asked you the question, what would you say?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Thank You

Man everyone is bloggin these days(not a bad thing), But its hard to come up with something that hasn't been done,
So I'm sitting here thinking, what to talk about, what to talk about, and it hit me!
I'm going to put together some thank you's to some people who have helped me along the way!!
Both in life and spiritually. So here we go.

Thank you...
God for loving me,
To my family for helping to show me the way,
For the church family who accepts me as I am,
My wife and kids who put up with me,
All the guys in men's group,
The softball team that lets me play with them,

You know, I don't have enough room to list all of the thank you's I need to, so starting tomorrow I think I'll start doing it in person!!
Who do you want to thank today?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I Don't Get It!

Why as Christians do we preach the gospel to others and make others believe that we are a great example of a Modern Day Christians, Yet we cause and sometimes even promote the stumbling of other People and sometimes, other Christians?
As soon as I got home today, I learned that a person who is trying to get on the right track, (without resistance or any Christian counsel), was for a lack of better words, led to the wolves
And because this person stated that"The Good Lord wanted her to move to an area, where she will be tempted, it was O.K.?
And the worst part is that this persons own MOTHER, Who Preaches Fire and Brimstone was the one to let her go, and even gave her Money!
I am very upset and do not know how to help.
Should I confront the mother and ask her why?
Just so everyone knows, I thank God for the Church Family that I have been surrounded with,
And I am NOT making reference to anyone in my church family.
I don't know of another group of people who have shown as much love for others as the members of the Newsong Community Church!!!
I am a sinner,
God knows it,
My church knows it,
But they both forgive me.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Saturday, July 02, 2005


I remember back a few years to when I was a child, even my teen years, and I'm thinking when
did vile and abusive language become just everyday words?
What I'm talking about is Curse or some of us know them as cuss words, when did they become socially excepted as everyday words?
When I was little and somebody cussed it usually meant run! somebody was stinkin mad and somebody else was going to get it!
Now you hear people talk and these cuss words are part of their everyday conversations!
"Hey how the F you been", " good to efin see ya".
So heres my questions.
1. Have we just become numb to these words and don't care?
2. Have they just become socially excepted and tolerated?
3.Do we not want to Rock the Boat by telling others we don't appreciate that type of language?

I'm not saying I dont have to watch my mouth from time to time, I just dont see the pleasure of saying these words or the need to anymore.
Someone help me out.