So I go to the pop tart isle and it took me about 5 min. to find blueberry!
Now I don't know how or when it happened but there seems to have been a POP TART EXPLOSION when it comes to flavors.
I remember as a kid you had Blueberry, strawberry, cherry, chocolate, and everyones ( maybe not everyones) but my least favorite brown sugar cinnamon.
Now you can get like 30 different flavors, too many for me to even name.
Has this happened to all kid type stuff or just Pop tarts?
Am I so old that I have lost touch with the younger generation and the products marketed to them or am I just a hermit?
Why do I even care? Why am I even Blogging about it? Why?
Enough of that...hey If you stop by Kroger's you can pick up strawberries in a 1lb pack 3/$5.00. I think I'll go have a pop tart!!
Um well lets see you are out of touch and yes you are a hermit. I took the time to come to your site to see if you have posted anything new and you write about poptarts. Now normally i am quite impressed with your blogs, this one had no meaning. I'm glad you realized that toward the end of your blog. Love you anyway.
I like pop tarts, and yes there are tons more flavors, well the same flavors, just different colored sprinkles.
You know, first of all ignore Angie! She never goes away but it is just plain fun to ignore her. Secondly you are getting older but wiser. As a kid who cares how many kinds of pop tarts their are as long as you get the ones that you like. Finally, Kroger also has boneless/skinless chicken breasts on sale for bogof. Just so you know. B4T
Hey doug, you spelled a word wrong, and you should have used a comma after secondly.
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