Wednesday, April 11, 2007


( The petition was filed under section 295 A of the Indian Penal Code, which makes it an offence punishable by three years in jail to "outrage" any group's religion with "deliberate and malicious intention." )

This was an actual story on Yahoo this morning, although it had to do with the wedding of Elizabeth Hurley I still found the ending to the article very interesting.
Just to think that there is a country where you can be jailed for offending someones religion.

If it was that way here in the good ole US of A we would really have an overcrowded prison population!

I say "You go India"!

1 comment:

Swinging Sammy said...

It seems nice on the outset, but what if I "outrage" satanists by preaching Christ? I say leave the politics to the politicians, and the matters of worship to those who worship.