Thursday, March 09, 2006


I think I have finally had it with self rightious, I'm better than you, your gonna Burn in hell because you don't take every word of the bible literal Christians!
The reason our soldiers are getting killed is because God is punishing us(USA) for our part in the War in Iraq. (not my words there's)
If you Dont AGREE with them, then you obviously have never opened a Bible!(Again not my words)
I am probably the most disouraged I have ever been in my Christian Walk, and I am literally sick of these people, sick of there translations, sick of how they literalize everything that fits the message they are pushing for the moment, its sickening, disheartening, and at times appauling!
And Im sick of all of the MEDIA attention that they get.
Dont Be a homosexual, dont drink , dont gamble, dont stumble because we aint gonna be there to help you up!!!
But If you are a PERFECT God fearing, throw your flaming BIBLE at the sinners type person we like ya!!
Ladies and Gentlemen let me tell you something, I have never and will never meet a PERFECT human being. If you have let me know I want to meet them.
So here are a few LITERALS I believe as fact, not judge, or you too will be judged.
2.woe to you, teachers of the law and pharisees, you hypocrites! YOU SHUT THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IN MENS FACES, you yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

I will end with this, How are the Flame throwing Christians spreading the Good News of salvation through Christ?


Doug E. Pudge said...

ONOM! You have accruately verbalized exactly how I feel about this topic! It is about time that Chirstians stopped beating people over the head with salvation and start loving the lost like Jesus did. We don't have water down the word of God nor do we need to amplify it. But "speaking the truth in love" is going to go a long way in help people find their salvation in Jesus. B4T

Kodiak said...

2 Corinthians 11:13-14
13For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

Russell said...

Did you happen to read my post of a couple days ago or something? Man that stuff furiates me!

Jay said...

I did kinda read that, but it was a disgusting radio show that spawned my outburst!!