Monday, June 20, 2005


Well I guess you can say that, depending on your point of view.
I have taken a step on principle, not what some suggested I should do, Not out of my own selfish pride, but what I felt was right!
I didn't do anything out of anger, I didn't even get angry, I'm not angry now.
I am looking for a new job though!
And now I question WHY don't people who are supposedly Christians, stand up for their brothers or sisters in Christ?
Is it really that hard to take a stand against what the world says is right and what God says is right?
I don't remember reading the part where "Jesus Compromised"
Jesus did many great things but he never once, went against the word!
Are we in the first century, where Christians are prosecuted for their beliefs?
In Corporate America, Yes we are!
I am a sinner, I will continue to ask for forgiveness DAILY!
I Know that I am going to find a job that God wants me to have, No doubt in my mind!
Again I thank God for the blessings that I cannot see.

So how was your Monday!!

Love Ya!!


Kodiak said...

Stand firm brother. No compromse, yes we believers, in corporate America, are persecuted for the stand we take. I could never understood why I lost my job, when other coworkers were taking 2-2.5 hour lunches and replacing parts that don't need relpacing in oder to receive a larger bonus. I never compromised when I repaired equipment, I would repair the machine according to my standards, right the first time and not just put out a fire and do first aid when major surgery was needed. But in this day and age, the bean counters want more beans to count. They don't want machines to go from PM to PM (preventitive maintenance), they want the machine to breakdown to receive more revenue. I don't know what your stand was, but rest assure we have you covered in prayer.

Kodiak said...

In heavenly armour we'll enter the land
The battle belongs to the Lord
No weapon that's fashioned against us shall stand
The battle belongs to the Lord

We sing glory and honor
Power and strength to the Lord

The power of darkness comes in like a flood
The battle belongs to the Lord
He's raised up a standard, the power of His blood
The battle belongs to the Lord

When your enemy presses in hard do not fear
The battle belongs to the Lord
Take courage my friend, your redemption is near
The battle belongs to the Lord

Swinging Sammy said...

Tom had a great message on this a few weeks ago with the church at Pergamum, Jesus said not to tolerate compromise (the Balaamites and Nicolaitans). And also this past week when speaking of the Church at Laodocea, Lukewarm Christians are so distasteful, He wants to "puke." I firmly believe you must stand for what you believe, or you will fall to satan's trickery. God Bless You Brother, and I will continue to pray for you