Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What the heck!!

So..I'm taking Christina to the doctor today and I turn on WMUZ and it's the news hour with Bob Dutko show and he starts talking about Boulder High School and the Conference on World Affairs they had.
From what I have researched there was a 4 person panel that encouraged the students to have sex, and experiment with drugs, the reason..."your going to do it anyway"!
We are talking about mature adults telling 14 -17 year olds to have sex and take drugs responsibly! Now I don't know about you but this kinda upsets me to think that this type of forum could be set up in a PUBLIC school, with mandatory attendance by the students.
I don't have a problem with educating our kids on certain issues, but I think that the responsibility lies at home and not in school, are we as a society so lazy, that we can't take the time to tell our kids about sex and drugs?
Here is what distresses me the most, being a part of celebrate recovery, and having my own addictions, I can tell you that there are alot of hurting people out there, and I just don't think that this type of stuff is going to make it any better for the future of our kids.


Swinging Sammy said...

brother, I can't agree with you more. reminds me of first century Gnosticism...

Anonymous said...

Can anybody say Statutory rape? Statutory rape is the crime of sex with a minor under the age of consent (AOC), the age at which individuals are considered competent to give consent to sexual conduct, but past the age of puberty. It is a generic term; different jurisdictions use many different statutory terms for the crime, such as "sexual assault", "rape of a child", "corruption of a minor", "carnal knowledge of a minor", or simply "carnal knowledge". Statutory rape differs from forcible rape in that overt force or threat need not be present. The laws presumes coercion, because a minor is legally incapable of giving consent to the act.

The term statutory rape generally refers to sex between an adult and a sexually mature minor. Sexual relations with a prepubescent child, generically called "child molestation", is uniformly treated as a more serious felony.

Anonymous said...

That is the way of socialism. It just isn't in markets but in your individual life as well. The government knows best!