Thursday, January 17, 2008


I have been reading The Cross examination of Jesus Christ. In the first chapter it's very graphic, so much that after reading about Jesus being whipped by a Flagrum, that I felt guilty, and the bottom line is I should! I put him there! Another great point that was made comes towards the end of the book, the Author, Randy Singer also does public speaking and a common question he asks is "how many in attendance have been Christians for over 5 years" as you might expect quite a few stand, while standing he asks "how many of you have memorized by heart, 20 scripture verses? that's just 4 verses a year for every year you have been a Christian" well just as you might expect, only a few are left standing! By now I feel not only guilty but ashamed, back in the 1st century Paul didn't carry a bible that he could flip open to the book of David and and start reading scripture! he didn't tell the crowds "we are going to be reading from the 23 psalm today! Paul knew scripture, he studied scripture and he knew it all by HEART!
So I look at myself today and wonder how am I going to make a difference when I do not have 1, and I mean 1, scripture verse memorized?

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