Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Rome does it again!!

Well I think I have just read it all, It seems that an Italian court will rule on weather Jesus ever existed or not! Read it on Yahoo News.
Now Among other questions that I am going to ask, How is it that MAN can make a ruling against or for the fact that JESUS ever walked on this earth?
So I have been on the "net" looking for what I could find , and it indeed seems that there was
to my understanding, documents from Roman history that mention the "Chrestus or Christus",
and talk about his crucifiction by Pontias Pilate. Also the "Flames of Rome" use this reference as a factual account.
I did say Roman History, Italy, Rome, HMMM...
So I sit here and I know what I've read about 1st century persecution and I wonder if it could return today?
Are we as modern day" Free Christians" going to start seeing persecution for our beliefs?
There are still parts of the world that you will be killed for Christian beliefs?
Can't you almost feel the change and if you are paying reel close attention to our society, you can see the fight between good and evil daily.
Are we going to turn into an "Atheistic Society" where we are no longer free to speak/teach our beliefs?
In my lifetime? Don't know. In Adam's? Maybe.


Swinging Sammy said...

There will always be persecution, whether covert or overt. We live in a fallen world, were Satan has been given liberty to torture and kill. Our spirit and our faith in Jesus cannot be taken or hurt, unless we allow it.
I think we will be seeing a lot more persecution in the next few years, but God will triumph over evil in the end.

Russell said...

We need more Jesus Freaks!

Four-Leaf K' lover said...

Jesus Freak here to comment....I believe that if you are surrounded by Jesus Freaks, keep in the Word and pray..your faith can only strenghten. You'll be challenged because the closer you become to God, the more Satan attempts to get ya!!!!

Doug E. Pudge said...

If I may give the bottom line to the Pudge way of thinking. Persecution doesn't matter, My rights don't matter, My physical body doesn't matter, My life or even death doesn't matter. What matters is that God is in control. HIS will IS going to be done. If persecuted, praise God! If free, praise God. If living, praise God! If dead, praise God! Nothing else really matters. In the words of Paul "to live is Christ and to die is gain". B4T