Baby Jesus

I put this picture up to remind myself of our Saviors Birthday.
All too often in the past my Christmas has been about Santa and presents and not Jesus and Religion. So heres my Question.
What do you think a great Birthday present would be for Jesus?
How about an auditorium full of people worshiping God on His Birthday?
Maybe a Baptism?
What would you give Jesus for his Birthday?
Food when He's hungry.
You know one of my favorite Christmas songs of all is The Little Drummer Boy. Because it teaches us to bring whatever we have to Jesus! I agree with Tom & Russ that we first must bring Jesus ourselves and then go around blessing those who Jesus loves. B4T
None of us would be on this blog if we had not surrendered some part of ourselves to Jesus. The world has yet to see what one man who completely surrenders himself to Jesus can do. How much more of ourselves can we give to Him?
gotta agree with the raptor...
pastor raptor hawkman!
how about 3 baptisms?!
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