Monday, May 16, 2005

What's in a Name?

Do we really need a name for the churches we attend?
Our church family is starting new, I mean brand new, from scratch, no money no building,just committed members trying to do our best to bring others to a relationship with the Father.
So one of the first things we need to do is pick a name!
But why?
Is it because we need to be known for the church we attend?
Is it because we think that a name makes the church more Holy?
Is it becuase we want our church to signify what it believes by the name?
Does the name really matter to god?
Or is it we that it matters to?


where's jim? said...

A chuch name needs to reflect its purpose. If our purpose is to bring the unchurched to Jesus, then the name and all we do needs to reflect that. It needs to be a freindly non-threatening name that will invite those that need Jesus but may not realize it into our family.

Russell said...

A name is essential to attracting the lost, beneficial to those that are committed to it. It is an establishing mark that represents something, our purpose & vision. And it is up to us to decide what it is and what it stands for. That's all! :)