Thursday, May 19, 2005

Share some Good Music!!

I've Been getting fired up about christian music lately!
I'm trying to explore other groups or solo's.
I really like Casting Crowns and I've got a couple of worship cd's.
Who do you like?

Ps.. Our Brother and Sister Yearsin our out of town for thier daughters colledge graduation,
remember safe travel in our prayers.

Love Ya!


where's jim? said...

My favourite is the Tecumseh Community Church Praise Band. I can't wait for their next CD..

Russell said...

I'm BIG on christian music!! A couple of my recent fav's are:
David Crowder Band
Shawn McDonald
Bebo Norman
Chris Tomlin

I have endless pile of CDs if you'd like to borrow any. I can even make you some mix CDs if you'd like. I made an entire blog dedicated to christian music. Check it out:

Kodiak said...

Hey J..
I enjoy all christian music. I listen to KLOVE 96.9 out of Ohio. They play Third Day and the like. check them out and listen online

Doug E. Pudge said...

Hey folks, how 'bout some of that good 'ol Gaither Vocal Band. Some of that old timey music. BBT