Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dumbing Down

There was a short piece on the Today show this morning on how Americans are being dumbed down.

I missed the clip but it got me thinking, are we really as dumb as they think?

I mean look at some of the things that the media shoots at us on a daily basis...Global Warming...the price of gas...Joel Osteen...war in Iraq...9/11...Britney Spears...just to name a few.

But look a little closer st some of these, Global Warming? Where? Not here in Michigan. The price of gas, soooooo many problems with refineries and pipiline breaks...but oil companies are recording record profits?

War in Iraq, people hate Americans, but do we really get the whole story? are the people of Iraq grateful for what happened?

9/11? face it ...it was real! but the government set it all up so they could start a war and then control oil in that region?

Joel Osteen the feel good preacher, some 40,000 members in his church, made $55,000,000 last year preaching the message of love. Where's the repentance? Where's the truth?

And then to top it all off, let's end our newscast by showing poor old Britney, having a breakdown and going into the hospital again! What about the guy next door who commited suicide because his wife left him and took his kid's? Where's that story?

Are we as a society being dumbed down? man I hate to say it, but to some extent YES!

Wouldn't it be refreshing for just one day, that everything that we saw or heard was the truth? I'm not so sure that we could handle the truth!


Anonymous said...

Some people can't handle the truth, others don't want to know th truth then there are others who wish to tell others what they preceive is truth.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"What is truth?"
