Tuesday, March 20, 2007


On the way home from Men's group I looked up and saw the Moon, it was a crescent and above it to the left was a bright star, I'm guessing one of the planets?
But seeing that made me also look around at the sky and all of the "light Pollution" that we have.

In our Sunday night group we just started studying the book of Matthew and how the Magi followed the star, and I couldn't help to think that it must have been a beautiful bright light, and it had to have stood out against the black sky.

There are so many Airplanes, cities that light up the skyline, radio towers, house lights, electrical towers that blink red etc.. do we ever truly get the pureness of all of the stars and lights that God put in our sky to see?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats one thing i love about going up north and to west virginia. It's so quiet and peaceful, and when it is clear the sky is filled with stars. Such a relaxing feeling looking at them.