Christina and I have friends that worship at another church.
Today they talked about Tounges and how one of the people we know, had gotten the Holy Ghost and started talking in Tounges and then fell out.
I have read in the book of Acts about tounges and how if you don't have an interpreter, speaking in tounges doesn't really benifit the congregation.
So I have a few questions, and opinions are welcomed!
Has anyone ever witnessed this for themselves, and if so what did you get from it.
How do you just Get the Holy Ghost, I thought that was what Baptism was all about.
Maybe Im confused, So somebody straighten me out.
I'm gonna leave this up until the wise DEP returns.
Darryl if your reading, give me your take on this.
Your more than welcomed to leave your thoughts and opinions!!
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Haven't been there. Haven't done that. (unless you call what DEP does talking in tounges, but since you's guys can understand him, it must be kosher).
I have been to a Pentacostal church and apparenlty during the prayer time there were those praying in tongues but I did not hear them as all the prayer team prayed aloud TOGETHER and simultaneously, each with their own individual prayer. Quite an experience, particularily being in the middle of it.
We (Donna and I) also attended a Joyce Meyer meeting last year and I have a tape on the baptism of the Holy Spirit if you are interested. It (the tape) gives a lot of scriptural teaching regarding speaking in tongues, but unless there is an interpreter, I would think this should be handled in an appropriate way in a public setting (ie a church). BBT..
Good post. This is a contraversal subject. especially between the various denonmemations. May I suggest readind 1 Cor chapters 12 - 14. Tongues are a sign for unbelievers not for believers.
The Apostle Paul clearly taught that we receive the Holy Spirit the moment we believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior. 1 Corinthians 12:13 declares, "For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body-whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free - and we were all given the one Spirit to drink." Romans 8:9 tells us that if a person does not possess the Holy Spirit, he or she does not belong to Christ - "You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ." Ephesians 1:13-14 teaches us that the Holy Spirit is the seal of salvation for all those who believe, "Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession-to the praise of his glory."
So, how do we receive the Holy Spirit? By simply believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior (John 3:5-16). When do we receive the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit becomes our permanent possession the moment we believe.
I know we started on it but didn't get to far! got busy.
Note to Russ,
I don't understand much of DEP's mutterings , I just shake my haed and say yes!
I guess you have to post something controversial to have the SR. weigh in...or is that senor?
ONOM, Tom Sr. and I have had numerous talks on this topic and we are in complete agreement so if you have spoken to him you have heard my thoughts as well. The gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit is a promise that is put on us (according to Peter in Acts 2) when we are baptised. Much other information that I could go in to but this would be too lengthy for a blog response. BBT
It's been nice blogging with everybody but I am leaving the blogging world.
Be Blessed, Love all of you.
Check out these very informative (and biblically sound!) sites: and
This is an important issue to understand. Many blessings in Christ!
I REALLY WISH PEOPLE WOULD REALLY READ THE BIBLE. TOUNGES BACK IN THE DAY( IN ACTS) WAS MANY LANGUGNES OF THE EARTH FOR POPLE OF OTHER LANDS COULD UNDERSTAND. WHERE IN THE BIBLE DID CHIRST SCREAMM FALL AND ROLL AND PASSOUT.ALSO IT WAS DONE AWY WITH BECAUSE MOST PEPLR TALK OTHER LANGEGGES OR A BOOK OR AOTHER PERSON HELP US LAST DAY WE ARE IN SANTAN LIKE US TO BELIEVE DIFFERENT THAT IS WHY CHIRSTINANY HAS ALOT OF RELIGINS..ALOT OF PAGAN CUSTOMS THE GREAT BABYLON GOD SAY TO GET OUT OF ....JESUS GAVE US TWO COMMANDMENTS TO LOVE GOD TO LOVE EACH OYHRT ALL ELESE WILL FOLLOW...JUST BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE CHISTR LIVE WAS THE MESSIAH DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE SAVE IF YOU GO TO ACHURCH THAT DOES PAGAN HOLIDAY look up holidays you know then that whitches who belive in and chirst are save too..(there is no different in the eyes of god)plkase look up how all the true churhes follow tht teachings of conastine easter chirstmas three gods in one please read proverbs8 (22) chirst was wisdom i relly hope you find the real thruth friend went to apebecost church and spoke words from the moviechuckie and a lady on the other side of the churh intuteppped the word in english and said it was amessage from god..
I REALLY WISH PEOPLE WOULD REALLY READ THE BIBLE. TOUNGES BACK IN THE DAY( IN ACTS) WAS MANY LANGUGNES OF THE EARTH FOR POPLE OF OTHER LANDS COULD UNDERSTAND. WHERE IN THE BIBLE DID CHIRST SCREAMM FALL AND ROLL AND PASSOUT.ALSO IT WAS DONE AWY WITH BECAUSE MOST PEPLR TALK OTHER LANGEGGES OR A BOOK OR AOTHER PERSON HELP US LAST DAY WE ARE IN SANTAN LIKE US TO BELIEVE DIFFERENT THAT IS WHY CHIRSTINANY HAS ALOT OF RELIGINS..ALOT OF PAGAN CUSTOMS THE GREAT BABYLON GOD SAY TO GET OUT OF ....JESUS GAVE US TWO COMMANDMENTS TO LOVE GOD TO LOVE EACH OYHRT ALL ELESE WILL FOLLOW...JUST BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE CHISTR LIVE WAS THE MESSIAH DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE SAVE IF YOU GO TO ACHURCH THAT DOES PAGAN HOLIDAY look up holidays you know then that whitches who belive in and chirst are save too..(there is no different in the eyes of god)plkase look up how all the true churhes follow tht teachings of conastine easter chirstmas three gods in one please read proverbs8 (22) chirst was wisdom i relly hope you find the real thruth friend went to apebecost church and spoke words from the moviechuckie and a lady on the other side of the churh intuteppped the word in english and said it was amessage from god..
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