Thursday, April 28, 2005

Prayer Request

This was brought to me by a GREAT Brother in Christ.

From: Lyle, Leah Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 1:59 PMTo: Neptune-TallasseeSubject: Special Prayer Request

To All:
I have a dear sweet friend that I grew up with in Selma who has a very sick little boy. They desperately need your prayers!!!!!!!! Her name is Alison Missildine Deason and her son's name is Parker, age 3. She has another son, Reid, age 7 and a husband, Mark.
The moved from Selma last summer to Kingsport, TN. Parker was having nosebleeds and rashes while in Selma, just before the move, but the Selma and Montgomery doctors told them he had allergies and contact dermatitis. Mark was offered a job in TN so this was the reason for the move. Alison took Parker to a pediatrician immediately after the move, and before the week was over they found themselves in the hematologist's office doing a bone marrow test. He has JMML, a very rare form of leukemia. It only affects 1% of all childhood leukemia's. The only known cure is a bone marrow transplant, and even after that, the survival rate is only 25%. He has been at St. Jude Hospital in Memphis for about 8 months now. He did have a bone marrow transplant in December and was doing ok. Mid April had been 100 days after transplant when they were going to finally let him go home. He had to have a final marrow test before they would release him, but bad news came too quickly. He started getting sick again and found his bone marrow had dropped to 43% among other things. They had already packed to go home. The entire family was so excited, especially Parker. The live about 500 miles away from Memphis, and Parker's brother and dad have been flying a lot to be there with them. Now the doctors have said he has relapsed. They are just devastated. Alison is waiting to hear if Parker will need another transplant. Everyone here was so gracious to me when I lost my baby, and I know you don't know Parker or Alison, but could you please find it in your heart to say a very special prayer for the Deason Family. No one knows what GOD has in store for Parker or his family, but I know it would mean a lot to them to know that people are praying. I have never asked for a prayer like this before, but Alison was one of my dearest friends while growing up and I know she would do the same for me.

Here is a link for the website that has been provided for them. She keeps a journal of his ups and downs. You can sign the guestbook if you like or send her a personal e-mail for encouragement.

Thank You So Much and God Bless,

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Are WE Listening?

It's a funny thing Listening, all we have to do is give someone our undivided attention.
But all so often we hear what we want to hear, and really miss what the person is trying to say!
I took an unscientific poll at work the easiest question to ask but the hardest question it seemed to answer.
I asked a few co-workers why they didn't go to church, simple enough.
The answers that I got didn't really surprise me. Here are a few.

"Church is a fashion show"
" I'm too busy on the weekends"
"Church people aren't very friendly to newcomers"
"What you see people do at church, and what you see them do out of church, are two different things"

Isn't it up to us to set examples as Christians?
Why is that so hard?
Who got you into church?
A family member, Your parents, A friend?
Who have you helped get into Heaven?

Monday, April 25, 2005

A Heart Like Jesus?

As Christians we are supposed to strive to walk in the path of our lord.
Showing compassion to those who are in need.
Ministering to the sick, being servants to the weak.
Just read the books of the gospel, It's all right there in black,white and red.
So why is it that so many Christians go thru life without giving the helping hand that we are
REQUIRED to give?
Is it because we are selfish? Could it be that we don't have enough time to help others?
Or could it be that we don't get anything in return for our efforts?
Jesus gave without selfishness! He gave out of love!
And the only thing that he hoped for his deeds was that he could turn others to God.
Where are our hearts like Jesus?

Sunday, April 24, 2005

What about Church?

I'm really struggling with why more people don't go to church?
Is it because there isn't enough time in the week to do everything that we need to do, and that makes Sunday a busy day?
Is it because Sunday is a big sports day?
Or is it because as a whole in society that most people think that " we don't need to go to church to get to heaven"?
As Christians why are we not reaching out to more people, Is it because we are selfish?
Do we think that since we "have our ticket" we'll be ok? Do we have the"I got mine, you get yours" attitude?
Why don't you go to church?

Saturday, April 23, 2005

It's time to tell our story.

There are alot of miracles that are mistaken for coincidence every day.
A phone call from someone you had been thinking about, Seeing a long lost friend when you had just been wandering what had ever happened to them.
I don't believe in coincidence, I believe that everything happens for a reason.
Sometimes good, sometimes bad.
We have a small mens group on Wednesday night and the opening question this past week,was to tell about a "Godincedence" that had happened during the week.
Do you have a "Godincedence" that you would like to share?
Do you have a prayer request?
This is the place to share it.
You know you aren't reading this by accident! It was planned.